Role of HR in Strike Resolution Mediation

Role of HR in Strike Resolution Mediation

The Role of HR in Strike Resolution Mediation is crucial in restoring workplace harmony while ensuring fair treatment for all parties.

Facilitation and Communication – HR acts as a neutral intermediary between management and employees, ensuring open and constructive dialogue to address concerns effectively.

Understanding Grievances and Compliance – It is essential for HR to analyze the root causes of the strike, ensuring that resolutions align with labor laws, company policies, and collective bargaining agreements.

Negotiation and Conflict Resolution – HR plays a key role in collaborating with union representatives, mediating discussions, and developing fair compromises that address employee demands while safeguarding business interests.

Restoring Workplace Morale – After a strike, HR must focus on rebuilding trust through employee engagement initiatives, transparent policy updates, and continuous dialogue to prevent future conflicts.

By maintaining an impartial and proactive approach, HR plays a pivotal role in achieving long-term industrial peace and fostering a positive work environment.


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